Those eligible for Miccio Foundation grants in support of Iowa's animals will be organizations that have demonstrated commitment to animal welfare. Examples include, but are not limited to, private and governmental animal shelters, humane societies, rescue groups, volunteer foster organizations, and local animal control agencies. We will not support activities inconsistent with federal, state or local laws/ordinances, and we reserve the right to request additional information prior to making funding decisions.
The Miccio Foundation's focus is to support organizations involved in animal welfare (501c3 status is required). Projects eligible for funding are those that will have an immediate, direct and measurable impact on improving animal welfare in a target community. Grants can be for projects such as spay/neuter programs, facility renovation, medical care, humane education, caging, and adoption support.
May 1 & November 1
The Miccio Foundation offers two types of grant. Read below to learn more.
The Foundation awards Standard grants to organizations licensed by the State of Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS) as Pounds or Shelters. Typically, Standard Miccio grants are funded at $3,500. Standard grant requests may not exceed $10,000.
Organizations with 501c3 status are eligible for the Miccio Foundation Mini grant of up to $1,500. An IDALS pound or shelter license is not required.
The Foundation will award up to $2,500 for a Jean M. Walker grant to 501c3 organizations regardless of IDALS licensing. The Jean M. Walker grant is designed to raise public awareness about the humane treatment of animals. This grant will be awarded to individuals and organizations 1) providing educational programming on the humane treatment of animals and 2) taking action to end inhumane treatment of animals, particularly the abuse and suffering of companion animals bred under inhumane conditions.